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Montgomery Castle

Castle Trefaldwyn

Montgomery Castle in Autumn landscape, Lymore Estate

The medieval castle ruin which overlooks the town of Montgomery has a long and interesting history.

There is evidence that William the Conqueror established a fortified castle near this site and that his relative, Roger de Montgomery, was put in charge of this castle and others (in particular Shrewsbury) by 1069. Various border disputes and family rifts continued then until development of a new castle building was begun on the present site in 1223..

The castle survived numerous border attacks, but became better able to withstand aggresors after the walls were rebuilt in stone in 1280. New accommodation areas were added in 1283; a new bakery, granary, kitchen and hall would have made Montgomery Castle into a substantial fortified home.

Peace between the English and the Welsh eroded Montgomery Castle's strategic importance; by 1343 parts of the castle were falling into decay. It was refurbished by Roger Mortimer (see ludlowcastle.com for details of Roger Mortimer's activities there), after 1359, and again under Henry VIII during the 1530/40s.

Montgomery Castle was involved in action during the Civil War, but surrendered to the Parliamentarians in 1644. By 1649 most of the castle buildings had been demolished, leaving only the state of ruin that visitors see today.

Arial view of Montgomery castle.
Ruins of Montgomery Castle
Montgomery Castle Opening Hours:
9.00am - 6.00pm (summer season)
  9.00am - 4.00pm (winter season)

Montgomery Castle welcomes visitors to stroll around these historic grounds. We regret that we cannot allow dogs onto the site as the Castle is in the midst of farmland on the Lymore Estate. Entry to the Castle is via the carpark only.


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